Black Ceramics with Ricardo Campos and Rosa Rosell

Two Catalan ceramists, Ricardo CAMPOS and Rosa ROSELL (graduated from the school of Bisbal), focused their work on the continuity of the millennial technique of traditional black ceramics by providing it with contemporary form and style.




The lines are simple and elegant and the decoration plays a very important role.




This technique allows you to create emotional and intimate landscapes even in the absence of color.




During the course, the pieces can be prepared on the wheel or by handbuilding.








Program :


Day 1 : Presentation of the work to be done during the week.


Making the pices on the pottery wheel or by handbuilding.


Preparation of the terra sigillata.


Beginning of construction of the kiln.




Day 2 : We continue with making of pieces and the construction of the kiln and the preparation of the terra sigillata.




Day 3 : Polishing of the pices. Application of terra sigillata.


Reserve preparation.


If possible decoration of the pieces.


Finishing the kiln.




Day 4 : Decoration and finishing of the pieces.




During the firing, explanation of the whole process, questions and doubts.


If there is time: viewing photos on the theme and course of the training course supervisors.




Day 5 : Opening of the kiln, cleaning of the pieces, polishing, photos and comments.




The dates :


October 5th until 9th, 2020


Classes start at 9:30 a.m. and end around 4:00 p.m.


Location: 2, rue du Calvaire at 5670 Nismes.


Price of the 5-day course : 620 €


The price includes all the equipment and materials provided, coffee / tea, lunch.




Registrations via the "registrations" tab


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